
ICRC는 한 개인, 가구 또는 공동체가 자신(들)이 처한 환경, 문화 및 관습에 어울리는 삶과 생계를 영위하는데 있어 필수적인 지출을 안정적으로 감당할 수 있는 상태를 ‘경제적 안전(Economic Security)’으로 정의하고 있습니다.

ICRC의 Economic Security Delegate은 분쟁 지역 피해자들의 식량 및 경제적 안전 상태를 개선, 회복 혹은 유지하는 것을 목적으로, 구호물자를 배분하거나 현금·바우처 프로그램, 소액경제 이니셔티브(사업비 지원), 농업 및 가축 관련 프로그램 등을 기획하고 실행하는 역할을 수행합니다.

ICRC에서는 경제학, 인류학, 농경학, 수의학, 영양학 등 관련 분야의 전문성과 인도주의 활동에 대한 열의를 갖춘 인재를 찾고 있습니다.


[Career Opportunities: Economic Security Delegate]

Main Responsibilities
• Develop a comprehensive overview and understanding of livelihoods, socio-economic context and related political and environmental issues;
• Manages assessments of the economic security situation of crisis-affected populations;
• Contribute to the identification of beneficiaries, and formulation of projects;
• Implement, monitor and evaluate activities according to objectives and plan of actions, such as cash transfer programs, livelihood support or emergency relief;
• Participate in workshops and seminars, and Economic Security-related forums
• Promote the principles of the Red Cross and of international humanitarian law;
• As a representative of the ICRC, maintain contact and negotiate with government authorities and other parties to the conflict – civilian and military

Desired profile and skills
• Ideal age: 25 to 40 years;
• University degree in the field of economics, anthropology, agronomy, veterinary, nutrition, public health or strong equivalent experience in the humanitarian field;
• Minimum 3 years field experience with some of the typical economic security interventions, including emergency relief, livelihood interventions and support to structures and services,;
• Professional experience in international humanitarian work and field missions abroad, especially in emergencies;
• Experience of work with the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement is an asset;
• Excellent written and oral communication skills;
• Good organisational, managerial, planning, reporting skills;
• French and English is desired; other languages (e.g. Arabic, Spanish, Russian) are an asset;
• Ready to work in difficult contexts and spend time in the field, or to manage programs without direct access to the affected population;
• Good capacity to analyse and summarise complex situations;
Our operational & field contraints
• Candidates must be in good health and will have to do a medical check-up prior to departure in the field
• Candidates must possess a driving licence (for manual transmission vehicles)
• Candidates must be prepared to accept unaccompanied postings (i.e. no spouse, partner, children or dependents) for at least the first 24 months

What we offer
• Rewarding work in a humanitarian and multicultural environment
• A two-week orientation course and other opportunities for further in-house training
• Generous social benefits
• Length of assignment: 12 months
• Join an ICRC talent pool and be considered for future assignments elsewhere

–How to apply: Economic Security Delegate
–ICRC career page: Working for the ICRC

본 채용은 ICRC 제네바 본부 소속으로 각국에 파견되어 근무하는 Mobile Staff 채용에 해당하며 공석 여부와 지원자의  업무 적합도에 따라 즉시 채용되거나 인재 풀 등록 후 추후 채용될 수 있습니다. 지원하기 전 인사마케팅 담당관을 통해 이력서와 자기소개서 리뷰를 원하시는 분은 seo_seoul@icrc.org로 문의하시기 바랍니다.