

Dnipro, prison de détention provisoire. Une barrière de fils barbelés à l’extérieur de l’un des bâtiments de la prison.
Dnipro, remand prison. A barbwire fence outside one of the prison blocks.

International Committee of the Red Cross(국제적십자 위원회)와 International Institute of Humanitarian Law(국제인도법기구)는 이탈리아 산레모에서 열리는 41회 국제인도법 회의와 더불어, ‘Sanremo New Voices in International Humanitarian Law’ 라는 이름으로 첫 에세이 대회를 개최하게 되었습니다.

이번 대회에서 우승하게되는 참가자에게는 2018년 9월 6일부터 8일까지 열리는 산레모 국제인도법회의 참석 및 회의 기간 중 에세이를 발표할 수 있는 기회가 주어집니다.

에세이는 2500자 내외의 영어 혹은 불어로 제출해야 하며, 국제인도법에 관심있는 만 35세 이하 (박사과정 학생일 경우 38세 이하) 의 모든 분들께 참가자격이 주어집니다.

에세이 토픽은 ‘Detention by non-States armed groups’ 과 ‘ Immigration-related detention’ 중 하나를 선택할 수 있으며, 제출기한은 2018년 6월 15일(CET ,자정)까지입니다.

국제인도법과 인도지원 이슈에 관심있는 많은 분들의 참여 바랍니다 🙂

자세한 내용은 아래 원문을 참고해 주시기 바랍니다.


On the occasion of the 41st Round Table on Current Issues of International Humanitarian Law the International Institute of Humanitarian Law and the International Committee of the Red Cross are pleased to launch our very first ‘Sanremo New Voices in International Humanitarian Law’ essay competition.

The winner will be invited to present at the Round Table in Sanremo (Italy) on 6-8 September 2018 and to publish the essay in the Conference proceedings.

The topic of the 2018 Round Table will be ‘Deprivation of liberty and armed conflicts: Exploring realities and remedies’. Expert discussions will focus primarily on detention during armed conflicts. One panel will also address the closely related issue of immigration-related detention.

The International Institute of Humanitarian Law and the International Committee of the Red Cross have the pleasure of inviting the submission of short essays, which address questions related to one of the following broad topics:

➡ Detention by non-State armed groups

➡ Migration-related detention

Eligibility of submissions

In order to be eligible for consideration by the organizers, essays must be

  • Written by one person, in English or French, and no longer than 2500 words (including footnotes);
  • Submitted by a person who is either 35 years old or younger, or is enrolled in a PhD programme, provided that the person is no more than 38 years old;
  • Submitted by a person who is not a staff member of the ICRC or of the IIHL (interns/ associates are eligible);
  • Fall under one of two broad topics: ‘Detention by non-States armed groups’, or ‘Immigration-related detention’;
  • Received by the organizers by 15 June 2018 (midnight, CET).

Submission procedure

  • All essays must be submitted, in PDF format, to gva_reunions_dp_jur@icrc.org and to alessandra@iihl.org (Subject: ‘Submission for the 2018 essay competition). Questions may be directed to the same email addresses.
  • Please make sure that the essay does not contain the author’s name in order to facilitate anonymous review. However, it must contain the title of the essay.
  • Please include the following information in the cover email: Full name of the author; full address and email address; phone number; date of birth; affiliation/occupation; title of the essay; a sentence stating that the author is the sole author of the essay and that the essay meets all eligibility criteria.
  • By submitting an essay, candidates confirm that they fulfil the eligibility requirements of the competition. The organizers may request formal proof of eligibility.
  • The organizers will acknowledge receipt of all essays.

Selection procedure

  • The organizers will review the essays and select a winner based on the substantive quality of the essay, along with its relevance to the above-proposed topics. The persons reviewing the essays will not know the identity of the author.
  • The winner will be invited to present the essay as part of a panel during the 41st Sanremo Round 
Table on Current Issues of International Humanitarian Law, which will take place 
on 6-8 September 2018 in Sanremo, Italy.
  • The co-organizers will fund travel costs and accommodation for the winner.
  • Once a winner is selected, all participants will be notified